Hololive Councilrys RPG

Hololive Councilrys RPG

12345Hololive Councilrys RPG

Hololive Councilrys RPG


Players start the game by creating their own character and choosing a class. There are four classes to choose from, including Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Healer. Each class has its own unique abilities and strengths, so players should choose wisely based on their playstyle.

Once players have created their character, they are thrust into a world full of magic and wonder. As they explore this world, they will encounter a range of enemies and obstacles that they must overcome. Along the way, they will also meet a range of characters, each with their own story and motivations.

Combat in the Hololive Councilrys RPG is turn-based and strategy-based. Players must choose their attacks carefully and make use of their abilities to defeat their enemies. As players progress through the game, they will earn experience points that they can use to level up their character and unlock new abilities.

One of the unique features of the Hololive Councilrys RPG is the ability to form parties with other players. Players can team up with their friends and embark on quests together, taking on tougher challenges and earning greater rewards.


The Hololive Councilrys RPG is an exciting online game that takes players on an epic journey through a world full of magic and mystery. Players get to join the Hololive Council and IRyS from Project Hope on a quest to uncover the source of the EN Curse that has been wreaking havoc in their world. As players embark on this journey, they will encounter a range of challenges and surprises that will keep them on their toes.

Background Story:

The Hololive Councilrys RPG is set in a magical world that is being plagued by the EN Curse. The curse has been causing widespread chaos and destruction, and the Hololive Council has been tasked with investigating the source of the curse. As the Councilrys and IRyS dig deeper into their investigation, they discover a shocking truth that threatens to tear their world apart.


The Hololive Councilrys RPG is an exciting and engaging online game that is sure to keep players entertained for hours on end. With its immersive world, engaging storyline, and unique gameplay mechanics, this game is a must-play for fans of the RPG genre. So why not join the Hololive Council and IRyS on their quest to uncover the source of the EN Curse? The fate of their world is in your hands!